Not very good...
You obviously put a lot of work into this and its something you clearly enjoy creating.
But you really dont have a strong grasp of a number of important things. The most obvious is ilustration, specifically anatomy. Anime is a poor drawing style to emulate, for reasons I wont get into here. I'm pretty sure if you stop imitating anime the quality of your work will improve damatically. I also strongly recommend taking a few illustration and anatomy courses.
If you were 13 I wouldnt it wouldnt be a problem. But you're 21, and you claim to be semi-professional. Also, you're obviously serious about your work.
The second problem is your flash. The most obvious problem is sound. The sound quality is pretty bad. I can't guess where the problem may be, but I recommend getting a good microphone and perhaps some sound editing software.
Your animation has a few positive points here and there. And your story has potential. But its going to take a lot of work to bring it out.